The Gentrain Society is a volunteer auxiliary of Monterey Peninsula College

Note from the President

President’s Corner



To use a well known phrase “we are at the end of the beginning” of the academic year. It has been a good beginning, in general. Classes are live, the parking lots are finally getting some usage, Wednesday lectures are re-gaining some of their pre-Covid attendees, and we have been able to plan social and special events activities.

The genesis of all we do is the GENTRAIN (general Education Train of Courses) PROGRAM started in 1974 by MPC. This provides “a tour through Civilization, taught by Expert faculty”.  The faculty members who teach within this program present courses in literature/drama; philosophy and religion; history; and art.

The Gentrain Society was formed to “Operate and administer programs in support of the Gentrain Program; to Operate and administer workshops and conferences, in support of the

Gentrain Program; and Perform such acts as necessary to accomplish any of the aforesaid purposes”

The GENTRAIN SOCIETY does not teach any of the formal MPC courses but we provide active support to the classes and augment the curriculum with our Wednesday lectures, the Book club, and cultural events

Now, I would ask your help! Please tell your friends and associates about our organization and the benefits we offer. I and all Board members would be delighted to answer any questions about membership.  No matter one’s academic background the Gentrain Program offers many interesting and challenging opportunities.

 The Board has a number of openings for new volunteers who would like to play a direct part in running the Society. Top of this list is a member who would like to fill the Vice President position. Your help with these openings would be very much appreciated!

Have a great New Year!


Who We Are

The Society was formed in 1983 to help financially support the Gentrain Program at Monterey Peninsula College. The dues of $35 per person and $50 per couple, are paid annually and assist the Society to provide programs which include: a special lecture given on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month (free of charge), field trips and special events, and a scholarship fund. The Gentrain Society lends its support to the Gentrain Courses given in four-week, two-hour units on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:45 to 10:50 AM

What We Do

The Gentrain Society is a non-profit organization established as volunteer auxiliary of Monterey Peninsula College. It

Upcoming Events

Join the Society

Enjoy all the benefits of membership in the Gentrain Society. Join Today!

Travel & Study

Special Events

Sample some local and regional cultural events or spend a few hours socializing with other Gentrainers. We make all the arrangements; you enjoy.


What has made western civilization what it is today? What critical ideas shaped our world? Let our Gentrain faculty lead you on a journey of discovery.


Did you ever want to read a book you have heard about, but never tracked down a copy? Or explore a topic in depth, but did not know where to start? Books, CDs, and other resources, all selected by our faculty to augment class discussions, are at your fingertips in the Gentrain Library.


Special Events

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Najm Akbar

I am Muhammad Najm Akbar. Call me Najm.
Born in Multan, Pakistan, I had my initial education there.
In the United States, I have graduated twice from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, MA 1995 and MALD, 2011, and have a graduate degree in History from Fresno State, 2022. Middlebury awarded me an MA in Teaching of Foreign Language, in 2009.

Alia and I have lived In Monterey since 2005. Our children are married and engaged in their professional lives in New York.

Our biggest delight is our two granddaughters, the eldest turns four soon, and the youngest is about a year and a half old.

I remained part of the Pakistan Foreign Service for two decades and at the Defense Language Institute taught Urdu for thirteen years until 2018.

I joined the MPC pool of adjunct history instructors in 2022 and have taught courses in Gentrain, World History, US History, and History of World Religions. 

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